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Husband and wife  relationship coaches, travel and lifestyle bloggers

You are loved beyond measure

“You shouldn’t represent God, having those ear piercings and wearing shorts,” he said to me.

“You shouldn’t represent God, having those ear piercings and wearing shorts,” he said to me. Let me explain... A blind man was asking if he could be helped across the street. To be honest, I walked by him and got part way down the block before the burning in my heart spurred me to turn around and help. My initial thought was, I have a busy day and errands to run, but God cares more about people than errands I remembered. As I helped the blind man across the street, I asked if he was hungry, bought him a sandwich and listened to his heartbreaking story of how he became blind. Before we parted ways, I asked him if I could pray for him, and he was very grateful. My heart was filled with warmth and compassion and I thanked God that he let me bring a little joy to a kind mans life who needed some help. But then a man on a bench by a bus stop said “You shouldn’t represent God, having those ear piercings and wearing shorts.” He said he was a Christian & God wouldn’t want someone like me representing him. I politely asked him “where in scripture it specifically talked about shorts and earrings, when was the last time he feed someone who was hungry, or cared for someone who was sick?” He said “I do not do that kind of thing.” I encouraged him, “I believe God cares way more about the condition of our hearts, our compassion and kindness towards others than our outward appearance,” & Matt. 25:37-46. When I left I couldn’t help but hear the all too familiar soundtrack in my mind “You’re not good enough” I ran my errands & as I walked past that same bus stop, I saw my new friend (the blind man) and wished him a nice day. A new man was sitting on that same bench reading a Bible and said “Excuse me miss, I wanted to let you know I see the love of Jesus in you! The kindness you spoke to that man with, you are a bright light in this world!” It felt like God was redeeming that bench and reminded me of the truth. I’m needing reminding again today, that it’s not about me being good enough, but that Jesus is always enough. When I stop focusing on my insecurities it frees me to love others more fully. Mercy triumphs over judgement! What do you think? 



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