You lift my feet off the ground, spin me around, you make me crazier, crazier. - @taylorswift 😜 I’m singing this song, as I look at this picture with tears in my eyes (yes I’m sappy). 🎶 The part of the song “I’m lost in your eyes… baby you showed me what living is for, I don’t want to hide anymore.” 🙈 Those lyrics are so true about this man in my life. With all the busyness I need to stop and just star in his eyes. All my worries and ‘to do’ lists slip away every time I do. 😍 He shows me everyday a new way of what living is for, and makes me not want to hide anymore. He shows me that there’s hope for the future. He brings so much laughter and joy to my life. ❤️ He has a way of making the ordinary, extraordinary. Sometimes we’re walking together holding hands and he spins me around and then pulls me in close and kisses my forehead. He finds the most random things I do to be cute, and teaches me to love myself more (I can be so hard on myself many times). ✨ Is there someone who helps you to not hide anymore? Someone who teaches you to live a freer life, to see yourself in a new and more beautiful light? 👇🏼Tell us below, love hearing from you! 📸 @katelyn.nicolephotography