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Husband and wife  relationship coaches, travel and lifestyle bloggers

You are loved beyond measure

You Didn't Want Heaven Without Us

You didn't want heaven without us

These song lyrics from Hilsong that I wrote out send chills down my back.

The lyrics go on to say “My sin was great, Your love was greater, What could separate us now? What a wonderful name it is. The Name of Jesus Christ my King. What a wonderful Name it is. Nothing compares to this, the Name of Jesus.” Easter is about a month away, but I’m so grateful I get to live with the reason people celebrate Easter, everyday.

I can’t believe that Jesus would leave Heaven for us. He loves us so much that He didn’t want us to be separate from Him. He showed us Heaven by the way He lived on earth and His dying for us and giving us Holy Spirit and peace can bring Heaven to our hearts now and the peace of knowing death isn’t the end of our story.

This truth brings me so much peace and joy because even with struggles, hardships and trials, they don’t have the last stand. Even sickness, death and disease don’t have the last say. Our brokenness given to God can be turned to beauty.

My heart longs to be loved. This truth I wrote out proves I’m loved beyond comprehension. It proves you are loved more than you could ever imagine.

I know a lot of people question God’s goodness with all the ugliness and hate we see in the world. The enemy would love for us to believe this lie. To fault God for all that’s wrong and to not live in the hope that we are loved by a good, good God. Sin is it’s own punishment and we see the results of peoples free will everyday.

But God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him would not be destroyed by sin and death but could have new life on this earth and life eternal, through Jesus. We all long for this in the deepest place of our heart. To have our lives matter. To know we are valuable. To last beyond this life. God promises us all that our hearts hope and long for. There’s a reason for these deep longings in our hearts. The One who made us put it in us, and gave us a way to receive what we're longing for.

Would love to hear your thoughts!💕



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