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Husband and wife  relationship coaches, travel and lifestyle bloggers

You are loved beyond measure

You Are Enough

Hey you! Yes, you, here on instagram. Would you mind stoping for a second to hear me on this? I wanted to tell you today that you are enough. I don’t know about you, but I struggle to feel enough a lot of days. I look at my flaws, mistakes and disappointments and wonder if there’s something completely wrong with the way I was made. At times I wish I could be someone different than I am. Can you relate? I then remember that I was made by God, and He doesn’t make mistakes. What’s the truth? You are enough, because of what God says about you. He calls us beautifully and wonderfully made. He says there’s a plan and purpose over our lives. He sees us beyond our mistakes and flaws. He wants us to know we are loved with an unconditional love, that if received, would change the way we see ourselves and others and own a peace beyond understanding. I wonder what would happen if we each saw things more from God’s perspective. To see each person as valuable beyond comprehension. Not to compare ourselves to others, but to see the unique value we hold and others hold. We can act out many times from a place of past hurt and pain but there’s a soul beyond those actions that is longing for more. Longing to be enough for exactly how we were made. And to receive others with love and compassion. To let go of a need to prove our worth and value to others, but instead act out of a place of love. We might see our future as messed up, but nothing is too messed up when placed in God’s loving hands. You are more than your mistakes and flaws. You are more than the clothes/makeup you wear. You are more than the money you make/ job/ schooling/ possessions. You are more than your accomplishments/ failures. You are more than the amount of social media followers/likes you have. You are enough because God made you and God loves you. When others hurt us today, lets stop for a second and see their value beyond their action. Instead of speaking hurtful lies over ourselves and others, why don’t we hold true to God’s truth that we and others are so deeply loved. You are enough & so dearly loved, friend.



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Hey, Friends! We LOVE our online family! It’s been amazing to connect to so many wonderful people online, and we can’t wait to connect more with you! We’re Stefanie and Caleb, husband and wife best friends and business partners. We love empowering others to have thriving relationships! We can't wait to connect to you!





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