“I do not believe that someone can make you do something, even God, why do you feel you need to listen?” I got asked this questions the other day, and I wanted to share my response with you here for anyone else that might be wondering… I don’t believe someone can make you do something. That is the opposite of love-that’s force and control. God doesn’t force me or anyone else to do anything. He created our brains, our bodies, the earth. Could have made us like robots, but didn’t. Because of the great love God has for us. Giving us a choice in all things. It’s only love if we have the choice. Here’s why I want to listen… Following Jesus is freedom for me. If you’re on a team with a terrible coach you will feel oppressed. But if you have the best coach in the entire world, the most empowering, one that knows your strengths and weakness’s and only goal is to watch you and the team receive the most joy imaginable, I listen to that second coach. That’s what Jesus is like in my life. (Although I wish I could always listen perfectly and don’t, but there’s grace for that).
Soon after I started following Jesus I went through the roughest patch of my life up until that point. I really didn’t have anyone besides God. And the weirdest thing- Jesus was enough. All my own strength couldn’t get me what I desired and Jesus filled the gap, I realized Jesus was more than enough in every way of my life. And circumstances didn’t designate my happiness. I have the best coach/dad/healer/redeemer/Prince of peace- in Jesus- and that’s why I like to share about my faith. Because I know so many people have experienced such terrible things in life (I’ve been a therapist/teacher/mentor for many years) and the pain others have gone through, the “holes” they’ve gotten stuck in, the pain and emptiness in their hearts- is beyond what I’m able to help. But I have seen firsthand God change their lives when the listen.Change those on drug addicts, alcoholics, people who are ragging with anger- into the most free, beautiful humans because of Jesus, and He lets me play a part in helping people which is my greatest joy! What do you think? Love when people ask us questions 😊
