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Husband and wife  relationship coaches, travel and lifestyle bloggers

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When Things Get Foggy

Sometimes things can get a little foggy. One of my biggest frustrations with life is that things aren't always clearly laid out. At times I wish I could see how things were going to play out so that I could make the right decision. I wish that I could know what was clearly God's will so that I could act into and in line with that. When it gets foggy it's so easy to then rely on what you can see, which most of the time is just yourself. What I find in those times that I begin to rely solely on myself is that I can only get so far, I can only see ten feet or so in front of me, I have no idea about the bigger picture. This is not all to say that we can't work hard and push ourselves. That is healthy and can produce results. However, if that is the only place we are looking for perspective, then we will become very near sighted and without an idea of what may be just beyond the fog, only to walk off a cliff if we are not careful. This picture definitely is a representation of that. Only about 50 feet away from us is the edge of the Grand Canyon. On a clear day you can see for miles around, but in the fog our world shrinks and we have no idea what may be just beyond our sight. Something so magnificent just beyond reach, and we might have missed it without direction and a sense of clarity. One of the seven natural wonders of the world right there and you wouldn't have even known we were there unless I told you. Funny how many things we may have missed out on in life in times of fog where we just trusted on our own direction and focus. Imagine the possibilities if we turn our eyes upward to the one who has perspective no matter the weather or terrain. What I love about God is that even in the midst of the fog in our lives, He is there watching over us. His plan remains perfect, and He remains sovereign. He may not give me the answers I seek (or at least not exactly when I want them) but what He does is guide me out of the fog and into clarity. Time and time again, He comes through and in a BIG way. There have been many times of fog in our lives, but as we press into God in those times He responds to us. I love that I have this wonderful woman to hold my hand in the fog. She constantly reminds me of Gods faithfulness, and she provides the comfort I need to be the man and leader God has called me to be. She has wisdom beyond her years and truly a heart that seems like a beacon of light for God to guide us and others in the fog. I am grateful today for another great day full of hope and promise that God will deliver and bring me closer to His promise in our lives. Feeling thankful today for the goodness of my great father. What was a time in your life that you needed clarity in the midst of a foggy season? How did you come out of it? We always love to hear from you guys!



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