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Husband and wife  relationship coaches, travel and lifestyle bloggers

You are loved beyond measure

When He Proposed

engagement beach

I was terrified to get engaged again (after my last experience I just posted about). I had a whole new level of peace with Caleb, and knew so deeply in my heart that this relationship was right and pure in the sight of God but still struggled with fear. The day Caleb proposed was right around Valentines Day four years ago. It was the best day of my life (up to that point at least). Caleb planned the best day for us. A sweet letter and invitation with money to buy a new dress was given to me earlier in the week. The day started off with a hike at Solstice Canyon with views of the the ocean in Malibu and small waterfall. A stop at the Getty Malibu and lunch at Bubba Gump’s on the Santa Monica pier created such special memories. Caleb’s cousin was texting him to go for Plan B because it was pouring down rain in Costa Mesa (near where he was planning to propose). He decided to still go for it anyways and we stopped by her place (so I could shower and put on my new dress). My heart was beating out of my chest. Caleb took my hand and drove me to Crystal Cove. There was no one in sight. The rain had cleared everyone away but the skies were completely clear for us. Just as Caleb proposed a huge rainbow 🌈 appeared behind us. A clear reminder of God’s goodness and promise of faithfulness to us. It was such beautiful conformation and peace to me and felt that God made it just for us. Because of His love, speaking hope and expelling fear from my heart. It seemed he put a ‘no rain bubble' around us this day and as soon as we walked into the restaurant after the proposal it started pouring down rain. Crazy thing, the same thing happened at our wedding with a ‘no rain bubble’ until we got into the covered ceremony. The love I have for Caleb and God has only grown exponentially since that day. I believe God shows Himself to each of us in many ways if we would have the eyes to see and seek Him. This moment with Caleb is a time I hold dear of God’s goodness, realness, faithfulness to us. Happy Valentine’s Day to the love of my life Caleb! Happy Valentine’s Day to you and hope you know how loved and cherished you are by the One who made you!! He can turn ashes to beauty!



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Hey, Friends! We LOVE our online family! It’s been amazing to connect to so many wonderful people online, and we can’t wait to connect more with you! We’re Stefanie and Caleb, husband and wife best friends and business partners. We love empowering others to have thriving relationships! We can't wait to connect to you!





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