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Husband and wife  relationship coaches, travel and lifestyle bloggers

You are loved beyond measure

What We Really Think About Sharing Our Love Story On Social Media

I love my relationship with my husband, I didn’t want/don’t want social media to mess that up or make our relationship any less meaningful (like some say sharing about your private life online would do). After sharing some of our lives with the world now for over a year, it seems we’ve found a better balance. We only share at most 5 minutes or less of our day with the world (and in those minutes our hair and outfits look nicer than the rest). We keep so many sweet and precious moments about our life together private. There are little things Caleb does for me, or I for him that I want to share sometimes, but instead I take a mental picture, and place that one even closer to my heart. Our relationship is like the most precious diamond/jewel to me. As with my relationship with Jesus, the most precious treasure that I want to jump up and down and celebrate, and hold it close at the same time. The kind of treasure you sell everything else to find. If I were to take pictures of all the special times between these precious relationships, I feel I would barely ever put my camera down. Have you seen that episode of The Office, where on Jim and Pam’s wedding day they pretend to hold up a camera and take a picture of a special moment? Caleb and I have been doing that a lot more. So if you see us around town pretending to hold up a camera, that’s what we’re doing. I never want to forget all these precious times of our life together. I still cry often, overwhelmed by the love Caleb and God have for me. The times with our phones and cameras down are some of the times I crave the most and are most precious to me. We share only a smidgen of our lives with the world. We share to give others hope (we both have previously been in places where we had little to none for a good relationship in our lives). We share to remember and reflect. We are grateful to share bits of our lives with you, and the parts you share with us. And we’re also so glad for all the precious moments we share that are just between us. How do you find a balance between sharing on social media and your personal life & being present? What’s your treasure? Love hearing from you! 



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Hey, Friends! We LOVE our online family! It’s been amazing to connect to so many wonderful people online, and we can’t wait to connect more with you! We’re Stefanie and Caleb, husband and wife best friends and business partners. We love empowering others to have thriving relationships! We can't wait to connect to you!





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