What’s a hobby or creative thing you love to do? A lot of you have been asking me for photography tips lately, so I shared some on our stories today and will archive them in the photography section of highlights. If you like, I’ll share more tips and tricks each week. Even though most of the time you guys see me in front of the camera, I’m still apart of the creative process and Caleb and I work together to get our images. I’ve always done all the post processing work.
I’ve loved photography for as long as I can remember. There’s something so special about capturing a moment in time and having that memory to look back on. Over the last 2 years and previously being a wedding photographer, I took so many classes on photography (mostly online) and did so much research and study. Then, I taught Caleb how to shoot manually, which helped me learn more as well. Caleb and I are always practicing, learning and growing and getting better along the way. Our style has evolved and we continually want to learn and grow. I’m a forever learner, I believe that no matter what it is, it’s so important to keep learning from others, and hear things from different perspectives. I believe that learning photography is so important if you want to be good at social media, because it’s such a visual platform. Learning more about video is a next step Caleb and I want to get better at in the future. Do you enjoy photography? What’s a hobby or passion you have that you keep learning and getting better at, or a new skill you want to take on? Love hearing from you!