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Husband and wife  relationship coaches, travel and lifestyle bloggers

You are loved beyond measure

Want Someone To Change? Change The Way You See Them.

Want someone to change? Change the way you see them. When I was a drug and alcohol rehab counselor for a mental health agency we would often say this phrase “God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” What a powerful statement. Eventually I've learned that the only person I can make change is myself, and even that is difficult with habits etc. We can influence others, love others, encourage others, uplift others, but ultimately it’s their decision to accept that love into their hearts and allow us to impact them. There have been times I’m so overwhelmed that a person or situation isn’t changing. I’ve desperately wanted it to change. Like a student not living up to their potential , or a friend or dating someone everyone thinks isn’t good for them and they continue to stay with them. Or, even how a stranger is driving. Stress and anxiety overwhelm me when I focus on these types of things I’m powerless to change. But the truth is, I’m not completely powerless and I can have freedom even when people or situation aren’t going the way I would like. What I realized I can change, is the way I see that person or situation. Instead of seeing them with judgement I can see them with love. Instead of negative thoughts and worst case scenarios I can pray for them. Cursing at someone driving bad on the road is only bringing more hate, praying for them-well that puts the situations in God’s hands. I created this free guide for you guys: When Someone or Something’s Not Changing: Here’s 6 Things To Set You Free .  Let me know, can you relate? Love to hear from you! 



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Hey, Friends! We LOVE our online family! It’s been amazing to connect to so many wonderful people online, and we can’t wait to connect more with you! We’re Stefanie and Caleb, husband and wife best friends and business partners. We love empowering others to have thriving relationships! We can't wait to connect to you!





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