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Husband and wife  relationship coaches, travel and lifestyle bloggers

You are loved beyond measure

Single, But want a Thriving Marriage?

How many classes in school did you have on how to thrive in relationships? Training about understanding red flags in dating? How to know if it was wise to trust your heart with someone? How to communicate well? How to create boundaries to keep the good in & bad out? How to heal from heart break? How to not bring negative patterns from your past into your future?⁣

Over 99.9% aren’t taught any of this from a healthy place. We learn what love, sex, intimacy, communication & relationships look like through MTV, Disney, country songs, rap songs, pop songs & kids talking about in in the bathroom. And so we think a perfect fairy tale relationship should just come naturally. It’s no wonder that so many people feel so discouraged. No wonder the divorce rate is so high. No shock that so many are scared to open up their hearts.⁣

People are on a rat wheel & keep wondering why they end up so dizzy. That’s how I felt for a lot my life. I kept doing the same things, because I didn’t know any better. So I learned all I could from the top experts in the world on relationships & it’s my passion in life to train others with the applicable information that changed my life & set me free & set my clients free!⁣

“Players” in relationships or those that keep choosing unavailable people are doing this as a defense mechanism. Those who say “I’m waiting on God” while filled with so much fear; will be paralyzed by fear of rejection unless they do something to get rid of the fear. It breaks my heart to see people self sabotaging good things & keep going after the bad things for them. I understand both. I’ve been both. And I want to help you on either extreme & in between. ⁣

It can be different friends! Get empowered to have clarity on how to communicate well, protect your heart & allow the good in. How to spot red flags & not trust your heart with an unsafe person. How to be a safe person. How to heal from the past & thrive in your future.

But you might be wondering like another client: “How do I balance keeping a hopeful heart to meet my future partner and at the same time enjoy this period of singleness? Also have you ever felt stuck? Like you have been on a season in your life for far too long? Would like to hear your experience.”- We just got this email. What good questions, right?!⁣

Caleb’s response: “It’s definitely a balance. It is human to be hopeful to find someone, but also important to live fully in the moment (whether that's in singleness or married life). Stefanie & I both had hard moments in the past during our season of singleness , but we both have found solace in God's plan and His purpose in those situations. ⁣

No matter where you are at, and how stuck you might be, the best time to prepare yourself for a future relationship is NOW. That doesn't mean obsessing over it, but rather making sure that you are set up in the healthiest way so that when the time comes, you are prepared, you are in a good place, and you are ready to take on this new chapter in your life. ⁣

We love helping people be set up for success in their relationship. Here are some resources that can help:

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Hey, Friends! We LOVE our online family! It’s been amazing to connect to so many wonderful people online, and we can’t wait to connect more with you! We’re Stefanie and Caleb, husband and wife best friends and business partners. We love empowering others to have thriving relationships! We can't wait to connect to you!





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