Reese's our kitten likes the smell of freesia almost as much as I do! Caleb loves to get me fresh flowers from the Pasadena farmers market, these were probably my favorites so far. It's always funny for Caleb and I to keep the kittens away from things in our place we don't want them to ruin. We have a squirt bottle of water that has a long reach and usually when we pull it out, our one kitten Snickers (not in the pic) runs away, but Reese's this kitten is so curious it's hard to keep her away. Now she runs up to the spray bottle and drinks from it like a baby bottle. It's pretty adorable. We try positive reinforcement of giving them lots of praise when they are doing the right things and little treats. They aren't allowed upstairs and for the most part (except for following me around like puppy dogs) they are pretty good with their boundaries. Any positive reinforcement techniques you have for your pets to help them stay well behaved? What's your favorite flower smell?Love to hear from you!