Happy FriYAY friends!! Hope this adorable cuteness brightens your day even more! 3 of our 4 fur babies, Reese’s our rescue kitten (who wants to be bff with everyone), Blizzy our first little dwarf bunny, and Frosty the chillest one whose white, (missing Snickers in this pic, the scaredy cat). I love animals so much, they bring so much laughter and joy to our lives. There also a lot of work (because I’m a clean freak and wash them a lot + helps my allergies). But anyways, it’s hilarious watching them all interact, let me know if you want instastories on that cutest and I’ll post more of that if you’d like! This weekend we’re looking forward to a family beach day-bbq-bonfire. And we might be doing a date night from our free date night guide! What’s something you’re looking forward to this weekend? Love to hear from you!