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Husband and wife  relationship coaches, travel and lifestyle bloggers


You are loved beyond measure

Quality Over Quantity

After the Honey Bear debacle on Friday, Caleb and I spent the rest of the weekend overflowing with gratitude that she was ok and that we had 3 whole days to spend together. Time with family, lots of hiking, cheering on our friend on his mountain trail race and lots of sweet moments with each other and šŸÆ šŸ». It was a super peace filled couple days.Ā Ā This season for us has been saying no to a lot of things in order to say yes to Godā€™s best for us. Self-control, isnā€™t always fun, but quality over quantity is what we are pursuing in our relationships, life, decisions. (Not that weā€™re perfect at it by any means!! Lots of growing to do!) Weā€™ve been so conscious about trying to dwell on the good things. See each other, ourselves, others, God from the best light possible, and giving thanks for the big and small things around us. And with it, anxiety and worry decreases. Whatā€™s something you enjoyed this past weekend, or something youā€™re learning in this season? Love hearing from you!Ā 



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Hey, Friends! We LOVE our online family! It’s been amazing to connect to so many wonderful people online, and we can’t wait to connect more with you! We’re Stefanie and Caleb, husband and wife best friends and business partners. We love empowering others to have thriving relationships! We can't wait to connect to you!





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