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Husband and wife  relationship coaches, travel and lifestyle bloggers

You are loved beyond measure

Lie: Act a certain way to gain people’s approval that’s not true to yourself

She said to me “act like you’re not that in love so you won’t make people jealous.” Lie: Act a certain way to gain people’s approval that’s not true to yourself.

I spent most of my life NOT being happy in love. Single, or dating I didn’t know how to be myself. I compromised who I was: I didn’t even know what I truly liked and didn’t like. I shifted my personality to make people comfortable, to be liked. To get attention from the boy I liked. Guess how that left me? Even when I was in a  relationship: I was actually completely alone. Unhappy. Depressed. Fake. A shell. I had so many convos in my head where I gave up on the idea of marriage completely. Ironically enough as a wedding photographer, I rarely dreamed about my perfect wedding day-because I couldn’t get past who the groom would be. I didn’t want to be stuck in an unhappy marriage where I felt suffocated, like I couldn’t be free to be myself and even discover who that was. Fast-forward. Now I’m married to a man who loves me for who I am, encourages my dreams, empowers me to be who I truly am. I made 5 huge shifts that allowed me to enter into my relationship with Caleb. Without these, we would never have gotten married. I would still be alone, or in a relationship where I was alone anyways. And the truth for you? If you relate to what I’m saying… without tangible shifts (that I’m teaching, link in bio) you will be stuck there like I was. Wasting precious time where you could be having your dream marriage, family. But instead, you’re lost like I was in a cycle that will never end- settling for an unhappy relationship or ending up alone. I’ve spent years figuring out exactly what I did to get the success (taken from my years in personal therapy, masters in marriage and family therapy program, working with clients, and many case studies) so that I could help others enter into their dream relationship too, and not compromising who they truly are. No. I will not act like I’m not happy in my marriage or any other way 😊 I want this for you so badly! Has anyone asked you to compromise who you are so you can be more liked by others? Love hearing from you! 



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Hey, Friends! We LOVE our online family! It’s been amazing to connect to so many wonderful people online, and we can’t wait to connect more with you! We’re Stefanie and Caleb, husband and wife best friends and business partners. We love empowering others to have thriving relationships! We can't wait to connect to you!





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