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Husband and wife  relationship coaches, travel and lifestyle bloggers

You are loved beyond measure

Letters from Pappy

Who doesn't love getting hand written letters?!? These are just some of the hundreds of letters I have from my beloved Pap. He had written about once a week or every other week for about 10 years (since I left for college). It's something that helped me feel loved and cared for throughout some beautiful days and very tough days of my life.

It’s been a year and a half since my biggest fan/grandpa/pen pal passed away. Me and my mailbox have felt the void. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t miss him like crazy. I'm so grateful to have these hilarious, adorable letters to read and remember even after he's gone.

My Pappy Miller was one of my favorite people, and one of the best people in the world. He made everyone around him smile and laugh. He was a small man with the biggest heart. He was like a second father to me and the world is less of a place without him here. There's many things I do to carry his legacy on. For one, I write to people. My Pappy was a man that always thought of others before himself. He volunteered many days a week as long as he could, to serve others. He lived a simple life, but never complained about what he didn’t have. He always counted all his blessings and did whatever he could to bring light to everyone around him. Heaven is a better place, and we are glad he is free from pain and now having fullest of joy with Jesus and other wonderful ones in Heaven, but will miss him everyday until we see him again. P.S. I love you, Pappy. Would you like to write a handwritten letter to anyone today?



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