Snow is one of my very favorite things, I’ve always loved it (other than the one time it had to cancel my birthday party as a kid). Even when I lived in Pennsylvania I would get so excited about the snow, I even asked for a shovel one year for Christmas. Some of my favorite memories as a kid are playing in the snow with my family. I loved going sled riding with my dad, sister, friends and cousins. When there was a day off of school because of snow I couldn’t be more excited to go out and play in it. Whenever Caleb and I get the chance to be in the snow we build snowman (or snow animals) sled ride, throw snowballs at each other, go snowshoeing or any other snow activity. I always hope for a white Christmas while visiting Pittsburgh but the last few years that hasn’t happened. But my prayers were answered when the day before we left to go back to California there was a mini blizzard. We walked in the winter wonderland at night, it was so fun to catch snowflakes on our tongue and have a mini snowball fight. We shoveled the snow in the morning and went for a walk in this beauty (took this picture on my iphone) before leaving for the airport. I get the best feeling when I see snow. I love white, and to see everything sparkling it feels so fresh, clean and pure. It reminds me of the verse “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” When I see snow I think possibility. The chance for fun, experiences and adventure. I think of fresh starts and renewed perspective. I can’t wait for the next time to be in the snow.