Stefanie gets REALLY excited about beautiful places. I love this about her, but makes it more difficult when we have to leave. Because as excited as she's gets, she can get equally sad at times to leave the places we visit. In the past Stefanie would get so sad about leaving places and I would try to talk her into being happy because I didn't know how to handle it. What we've learned and are growing in is to take in the moment, and if Stefanie's sad to leave, to let her be sad. And then she can process in her own time. This isn't just for leaving places, I have the tendency to want to fix things right away when she's sad at all. But I'm learning (while comforting her) to listen to her feelings without needing to fix anything. It's a struggle for me because I love seeing her happy, but when I give her the space to process, it always ends up better in the long run. How do you respond when you are leaving places? Love to hear from you!