Soaking up the last days of the last days of summer with some yummy watermelon and a couple picnics the last few weekends. Each watermelon slice I was going eat, Honey Bear helped herself first since I was holding her, so it became her piece 😂 . It’s always sad to say goodbye to summer, but we sure are ready for cooler weather, apple picking, football, hay rides and pumpkin patches. __ Loving these adorable boots from @cecelianewyork #ceceliainthecity and shirt is @sheinoffical https://rstyle.me/n/c8hf4hcezrp #shein hair by @amiejorgensen #liketoknowit Just screenshot this picture and download the @liketoknowit app and all the style details for my outfits will be there. __ Any last few weeks of summer plans? What’s something you’re looking forward to about fall? Love hearing from you!Â