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Husband and wife  relationship coaches, travel and lifestyle bloggers

You are loved beyond measure

Lack of Water Side Effects

Do you ever feel like this lake behind us?

big bear lake

Caleb and I visited Big Bear Lake before all the rain came in California. It was my first time visiting and Caleb couldn’t wait to show me around. He was most excited for a park that had a lake next to it. When we got there all the water near the park was dried up. We walked far back where boat and docks were but there was no water. I couldn’t stop thinking of this scripture:

Psalm 63

You, God, are my God,

earnestly I seek you;

I thirst for you,

my whole being longs for you,

in a dry and parched land

where there is no water.

There are so many references to water in the Bible. Jesus tells us He will give us living water that will never make us thirst again. He tells a woman who was shunned and judged by others and covered in shame from her past that all her longings and thirsts are about to be quenched if she would trust Jesus. Jesus said,“but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”- John 4:14

Caleb and I started watching Survivor from season 1 a while back. We had never watched it before and we’re loving it. The most important thing to everyone on the show in order to survive is fire in order to boil water.

There was a man on the last season that was homeless and said the only part that was tough for him on this show was the lack of water. When he was homeless he said he could always find some sort of faucet around to quench his thirst.

I looked up the results of not drinking enough water. Some include dehydration which can result in headaches, confusion, dizziness and chest pain. Stickiness in the mouth, lips, tongue and skin.

Body temperature won’t be cooled the way it needs to which results in severe weariness.

Chemical imbalance occurs which can result in improper disposal of waste products in our body.

Toxic build up, heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain, reduced muscle mass, long periods of illness, lack of energy, hunger pangs, premature aging are other symptoms.

No wonder God talks about water so much! I encourage you to re-read this list thinking of the way not being rooted and planted in the truth of who you are made, how loved you are by God and how good He is result in the same conditions.

When I don’t trust in God I get so confused. My life can seem a blur and affects the way I talk and think. I become severely weary and am not able to properly dispose of all the toxic things in my life. I can hold onto bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness that gives way to severe heartburn, nausea and abdominal pain. This could result in long periods of illness and premature aging. WOW! Do I need God to sustain me. To provide His truth and powerful forgiveness over my life.

Are you experiencing any of these symptoms today, friends? I encourage you to run to Jesus, the source and life.



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