It’s Caleb’s Spring Break, which makes me the happiest. We’ve gotten nice relaxing time together already, lots of errands done, and working hard on our class/mentorship on relationships. We saw the movie🍿 I Can Only Imagine last night, and it was AMAZING!!! Please go see it! Although we both cried (me for a good hour or so) it’s so impactful! Our webinar is about to launch this week, so get excited! We’re so passionate about helping to bring breakthrough to people’s lives and relationships. We can’t wait to help bring out the most radiant version of people! Being a team with my best friend/love of my life to help others is basically my favorite thing. And P.S. we’re in @whitemagazine shot by @emily.magers talking about our relationship! I’ll link it in our story. What’s on your schedule this Monday? Love hearing from you!