Our AC has almost been broken for a week and it’s going to be 113 degrees today. We’ve had several nights of extremely restless to no sleep because we’re so used to sleeping at 70 degrees. Now we’re staying with family to escape from our hot box apartment. How do you take the heat? I used to love the heat, but after living in California for 8 years now, having the weather cool is my favorite. My body is extremely sensitive, and too much heat gives me heat exhaustion easily (even though I’m always drinking water). We look for hikes in the shade, and during our runs, we seek out the side of the road that is covered in shade. There is the biggest relief that comes when entering into a shady spot during a hot summers day. After waking up in our hot place this was one of my scriptures for my morning devotional: “In that day the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious….over everything the glory will be a canopy. It will be a shelter and shade from the heat of the day, and a refuge and hiding place from the storm and rain.” Isaiah 4:2,6 Similar to the feeling of having a cool place in the heat or a hiding place in a storm is what Jesus is for us. When life gets confusing, overwhelming, when we are exhausted physically or emotionally- God is a canopy. That sweet relief that goes throughout our bones when having quenching water. The amazing respite needed from the burdens that can weigh us down. We run to the shade on a hot summers day- and we can run to God during each season that gets sticky or scary, and every time in between. Glad for our families house to escape to today, and filled with gratitude for the rest I get when spending time with Jesus. If you’re feeling exhausted today friend, remember that Jesus is more than enough to take our burdens and fill us with rest and replenishment. Do you enjoy a shady place during a hot summer day? Love hearing from you.