If I had more ____ then I would be happy. < Fill in the blank. If I had more money, more time, more followers, more clothes more opportunities, more vacations, more romantic dates etc. then I would be happy. This is what our world tells us subconsciously every day. It’s what we can feel when we scroll through social media. But let me tell you, I’ve found this to be a big LIE! Taking 16 bags of donations or trash out of our house for spring cleaning earlier this week felt amazing. Every time I’ve cleaned or de-cluttered for the last many years I’ve asked God to de-clutter my heart in the process. Just as things pile up that once severed their purpose in our lives can easily become a distraction or time waster as time goes by. It’s the same with my heart. Someone that hurt me in the past, those emotions were real and I needed to acknowledge the wrongfulness of that. But holding onto anger or hatred towards that person wastes my time, energy and steals my joy. Old habits that helped me cope with something sad or disappointing eased the pain at the time, but now there are more important things to put my time into. Our time is precious, and I believe it’s not more that will make us happy, but wiser use of our time. When I think of others with such love and give grace to them and myself. When I process hurts and then let them go. When I de-clutter my heart and life and ask God with whom and what I should be spending my time on. When my heart is pure before God, that’s what brings me peace. Not more of any of the things I’ve listed at the beginning. I encourage you today, as I’m encouraging myself. Let’s get past the lie of “more____” will make us happy. When we get the more, we are still with ourselves and our hearts. And if that’s not at peace no matter what else we put in the way it doesn’t lead to long-lasting contentment and peace. “Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus” - Hebrews 12:1 What came to mind as you filled in your blank? How can you de-clutter your heart today? Love hearing from you!