I can still remember the butterflies in my stomach like it was yesterday. I felt like my heart was beating out of chest. I was dying to hear him say three words to me. I was kind of freaking out, because I knew if he didn't say it very soon I was about to spout it out first. I had never in my life felt the way I did dating him. I could be more myself around him than I ever had with anyone else in my life. It was the first time I really felt at home. I knew this was something ridiculously special, and I knew that this guy was the one I wanted to spend my life with. All the years of dating and worrying and wondering about if the different guys I went out with were right for me and NOW it all made sense. THIS is what it was supposed to be like. He said "I love you, Stefanie" the best sentence I'd heard up until that point. I was gushing with love and told him I loved him back. We had spent the day swimming, walking on the beach and talking about everything. We snapped a few pics and this is still one of my favs we've ever taken together. Several months later something else even better happened on this beach, but that's a story for another day. Would love to hear about your favorite place to watch the sunset or anything about you! Thanks so much for sharing in this adventure with us!