You know what I love about this girl?...EVERYTHING Caleb here again, giving Stefanie a break for a couple days from posting. I seriously can’t get enough of this girl. When I look at this picture and I see the joy that she has on her face, it reminds me of just how much I adore the little things (and everything) about her. One of the things I love doing is thinking about what goes on in her head throughout the day. Once you get to know someone so well, it becomes easier to put yourself in their mindset. So I love just thinking about, and gushing over, all the decisions and things she does throughout the day. I’m like a little puppy, well...maybe a large puppy 🤣, that follows around its best friend and just is so happy over everything that they do. Spending more time with her during the summer just brings me so much joy by just being in her presence. Looking at pictures like the one above only encourage me more and help me to fall more in love with this amazing woman. I am so thankful for the summer and all of the time that we get to share together! ____ What are you up to this weekend? Hit us with a 🏖 if you love summer! We love hearing from you! #likeittoknowit