Before even placing my hands on my keyboard for this post my eyes welled with tears and now are falling down in a steady stream. My heart breaks for everyone affected by this. Human trafficking (modern day slavery) and being an advocate to share the truth and support places that are helping with this is one of Caleb and my biggest heart missions. That’s why I love what @lovejusticeintl #ProjectBeautiful is doing. To date, they’ve saved over 13,800 lives from human trafficking. But still RIGHT NOW, over 40 million people live in slavery around the world. Their goal is to save 1,000 more lives from trafficking, which would mean around 500 new Project Beautiful members. You can be apart of helping this problem by going to Project Beautiful at ProjectBeautiful.org and get your own shirt that supports saving precious people. Every year millions of women, men and children are trafficked in countries around the world including the US. It is a hidden crime because victims rarely come forward because of fear, language barriers and trauma. Force, fraud or coercion comes upon the victims to obtain some type of commercial sex (64%) or labor (22%). The average age of those being trafficked into prostitution are between 12 and 14 years old. 300,000 US teens become victims of sex trafficking every year according to @fightthenewdrug. My prayer is that more people would become informed and help bring this ugly darkness into the light. To support organizations like @lovejusticeintl that are helping save those in captivity. To realize that porn isn’t only extremely harmful to those who watch it, but also those who are apart of it because of the inseparable link between porn and sex-trafficking. I’ve personally talked to victims, heard their stories and seen their tears. I’m encouraging us today to be apart of bringing this to the light. “He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners,” Isaiah 61:1. Have you been apart of helping with this, or do you want to? Love hearing from you!