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Husband and wife  relationship coaches, travel and lifestyle bloggers

You are loved beyond measure

His Hug Is Home To Me

I remember the first time Caleb and I ever hugged. It felt like coming home. Every time since, hugging him is home to me. _____ The scary thing: our relationship could have very easily never happened. We both made huge shifts in our lives in order to enter into our relationship with each other. _____ There were several guys I was close to marrying before Caleb. One so close that I had the engagement ring on my finger, the wedding dress picked out, the bridesmaids dresses bought, the venue and caterer paid for. _____ Caleb was also close to marrying someone before me, they had dating on and off for almost 5 years. _____ After the first two weeks of dating Caleb, we both felt like we knew each other way better than the previous people we had dated, even though we had dating them much longer. _____ And not in a sexual way (we saved sex for marriage in our relationship). In a ‘two people being honest, truly themselves without all the facades,’ kind of way. _____ As much as Caleb was interested in me, he wasn’t willing to sacrifice who he was truly created to be. He was sick of not being loved and accepted for who the unique person he is, and I was sick of the same thing. We had both made shifts so that God allowed us to be together. _____ And that’s what I want for every person out there, who cares deeply about having a real relationship. From 10 years of observing, studying, getting my masters degree in marriage and family therapy, case studies, my own personal story, I realized their were 5 key steps people took before being able to attract the right kind of person, and then have that relationship cultivated and long lasting. _____ I’m teaching you guys these 5 steps in our webinar coming out this week. If you sign up for our “freebies” section in our bio, you’ll be the first to know and be able to be on our webinar. _____ I’m so passionate about seeing others experience life-giving relationships, full of intimacy, joy and love. Are you someone who cares deeply about relationships? Love hearing from you! 📷: @courtneypaigephoto 



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Hey, Friends! We LOVE our online family! It’s been amazing to connect to so many wonderful people online, and we can’t wait to connect more with you! We’re Stefanie and Caleb, husband and wife best friends and business partners. We love empowering others to have thriving relationships! We can't wait to connect to you!





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