Do you like getting up early or sleeping in? Usually I'm one for sleeping in but I was ecstatic when Caleb suggested we do a hike before sunrise while we were in Big Bear. When we go away together I always get sooo excited about being there I get up super early anyway, and I LOVE to hike! It was super dark as we started out, but then the light of dawn was enough to guide us on the path. It was amazing to have the mountain to ourselves and we reached the top just as the sun rose over the lake. We took this picture a little later, full of joy and promise that the rising sun brings. There's something about being in cool crisp air, in the mountains that just renews our spirits. After the hike we had a delicious breakfast at a place called Teddy Bear Restaurant (how cute is that?!?). I love the changing leaves in this picture and you can see the lake off in the distance. Love to hear from you guys, are you an early riser or do you like to sleep in when your on a trip??