Sometimes I want to hide. Do you know the feeling? I love being back in Pittsburgh, my hometown where I was born and raised. There's so many great things about being back here, but sometimes negative memories from the past and shame want to stick like glue to my heart and mind. And I don't just need to be in my hometown for this to happen, I have many triggers that want to pull me to a deep dark place of shame. I was laying down the other night and something I was ashamed of came to mind. And all of those ugly thoughts and feelings came with it. I'm sharing this today because maybe you feel this way at times too. Maybe you want to hide at times like me, feeling stuck in your shame. I want to remind you today, dear friend as I remind myself that our shame doesn't need to stick. We don't need to hide anymore. We have someone who had saved us and paid the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom of our hearts and lives. As we all are celebrating freedom here in the US I'm also thinking about the ultimate freedom we can have because of what Jesus showed us in the way He lived his life and died for us and then rose in glory. When we receive Him, God no longer sees us for our shame, but sees us as He sees Jesus-pure, holy, beautiful, adored. He offers us a new identity, not one covered in shame but covered in grace and accepted as adopted sons and daughters of God. I don't always live out of this new and beautiful identity, but I'm looking to the one who will help me remember. Jesus faced much torture, mockery and shame for us that He did not deserve so that He could take the shame from us we did deserve. And He hasn't left us alone... “The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by Him we cry, “ Abba, Father.”” Romans 8:15 Our Abba, Father, God, Redeemer loves us beyond comprehension. I'm asking Him for help to live into this freedom and more clearly receive His great love. Asking that you would receive this great love today too, friend! Can you relate? Love to hear from you!