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Husband and wife  relationship coaches, travel and lifestyle bloggers

You are loved beyond measure

Here She Is! The Woman Of My Dreams

Here she is! This is the woman of my dreams, my wonderful wife and best friend. I am so thankful for this one. She is THE hardest working, and most inspiring person that I know. I wanted to take a few moments to brag on her and to share my heart.

My wife is an amazing person. Not only is she the most beautiful person both inside and out, but she is the kindest, most caring human being I have ever encountered. I admire so many things about her. She takes so much time to get to know people. Not the small talk that we all do, but she goes out of her way to have people be seen for who they are. I have never been treated or felt so loved and respected before in my life. This woman is the real deal, and I adore every single little part of who she is.

My wife is a business woman. This year she has taken on a new business, a new career, teaching me how to photograph, launching a beautiful website (which she created on her own with zero training), taken multiple classes, booked weddings and shoots, done her own podcasts, blogged, created curriculum, and even has managed to be an amazing wife and person in addition to all of that. When we decided to start our own business I figured it would take us a while to figure things out, to get our feet wet so to speak, but in this past six months she has progressed our business beyond what I would have expected from it two years from now.

We have reached and exceeded every one of our goals so far and honestly its all because of her. She has been the driving force and the believer, and while we may not be at our final destination yet, we are a whole heck of a lot closer to it because of the hard work and determination of my true love.

I seriously could not have built a better person for me if I was able to. Stefanie is truly a gift from God. She not only blesses me in every single way, but she is the absolute best example of walking out Jesus’s teachings in her every day life. My faith and relationship with God has grown exponentially because of my relationship with my wife. I wish I could say that I have affected her life more, but this woman has changed the game for me. She blows my mind every day, and every day I am so completely thankful and grateful to my Heavenly Father for bringing me such an angel to do life with in her.

Thank you my love, from the bottom of my heart I truly and so grateful for all of your hard work, for all of your love, for all of your determination. YOU make me a better person. YOU are the woman of my dreams. I’ll take a few lines from our wedding song to express a little about how I am feeling about you:

“There must be a God

I believe it’s true

Cause I can see His love

When I look at you

And He must have a plan

For this crazy life

Cause He brought you here

And placed you by my side…”

⁃“When I say I do” by Matthew West

Feeling so blessed today because I get to share life with you.

Who is someone that has made a huge impact on your life? We always love to hear your stories!



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Hey, Friends! We LOVE our online family! It’s been amazing to connect to so many wonderful people online, and we can’t wait to connect more with you! We’re Stefanie and Caleb, husband and wife best friends and business partners. We love empowering others to have thriving relationships! We can't wait to connect to you!





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