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Husband and wife  relationship coaches, travel and lifestyle bloggers

You are loved beyond measure

He Is Risen

He is Risen! (Matthew 28:6, Luke 24:6, Mark 16:6) He will swallow up death forever! (Isaiah 25:8) Chills go down my spine as I ponder these truths. The reason I have life, breath and hope everyday is thanks to what we celebrate this weekend! All the brokenness and pain we’ve faced and will face won’t have the last stand. The hurt and pain from losing a loved one won’t be the end of the story. Today and everyday I celebrate because Jesus has taken my shame. He paid the price for my mistakes. He gives us a chance for new life now and in the future. I’m so grateful for you of you today, and pray that you would know deeper the great love our Father in Heaven has for each of us. That He would give His one and only son, so that whoever believe in Jesus will not perish but have eternal life. Thank you Jesus! Let’s celebrate today! I made some cute pictures, free downloads, link ☝️Caleb and I dyed some eggs in some interesting and fun ways with leaves and our cute bunnies Blizzy and Frosty “helped.” Hope you enjoy this lovely holiday, friends! Thanks so much @retrogramboards for the lovely board!



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Hey, Friends! We LOVE our online family! It’s been amazing to connect to so many wonderful people online, and we can’t wait to connect more with you! We’re Stefanie and Caleb, husband and wife best friends and business partners. We love empowering others to have thriving relationships! We can't wait to connect to you!





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