I love unexpected blessings and generous, thoughtful friends. Caleb and I were talking for several weeks about how much we wish we could go back to Disneyland, but wouldn’t have enough points on our credit card to go back for another year. This Sunday we were thinking we might be out of town or had some other plans but we are so glad none of that worked out because... We LOVE Disneyland as we’ve mentioned and on Sunday our good friends Sara and Tim texted us after we got back from church and asked us if we would like to go with them that day. Tim works for Disneyland as a very talented artist on the new DuckTales reboot, his wife Sara the friend that connected Caleb and I and helped orchestrate hang outs and always put in a good word about Caleb. We said YES to Disney double date day and got ready quick to go to one of our favorite places! Joy filled our hearts as we got to walk around the park soaking in all the magic of the place and having fun conversations with our friends. Married life is so much different than single life, and making time for friendships in the midst of all the responsibilities can be tough, but the times we can spend together are precious. So many memories were brought back to how Caleb and I got together, and memories of watching Sara and Tim fall in love. So grateful for the blessings of friendship! What’s a time you got an unexpected blessing or a friend that has been generous with you? Love to hear from you!