Giveaway closed!! Congrats to the winner!! Shared on Instagram Live!! ✨✨ This has definitely been a crazy season for us. And we are so blown away and thankful for the amazing support we have gotten during this giveaway and in our company. We have been so encouraged by people's words and kindness to us in response to our posts. This only inspires us to continue to try and put out good content and to push ourselves. These past few weeks have been fuel for our fire of creativity and for inspiration towards putting out our very best. It's Monday and we just want to encourage all of you to do your best! Be who you are and use your talents to the very best that you possibly can. We have been able to see just how talented all of you are, and are blown away each day by your creativity and we just want to encourage you to keep killing it. We definitely know that at times it may seem that it is all for not, but we are telling you that your dreams are worth it, and YOU are worth it. We are always encouraged by this verse to continue to push on: Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. What are you trying to accomplish this week? Hit us with a comment if you are with us in working hard at your dreams this week.