Anyone who really knows me knows how much love and compassion I have for those in need. My grandpa taught me from a young age that I’ll be more blessed to give than receive. Don’t get me wrong, I love receiving good gifts. LOVE IT! But, the gift of knowing I’m helping someone is even better. When I was little my grandpa would take my sister and me to the veterans hospital, meals on wheels food bank, and nursing home to show us how we could be a light to someone. In high school a mentor of mine, Mrs. Steidel would tell us “the secret to life is to give your life away.” Although my grandpa and mentor aren’t physically on this earth anymore, the words and actions they showed me have made a huge impact on my life. I knew I had to go to Rwanda when I heard stories, and saw pictures and videos at my church back when I went to @pennstate. I was TERRIFIED to go but was compelled by Christ's love to show these kids how much value they had. I struggled with much fear and was faced with some scary situation when I was there. I got very ill and the culture shock was real. But that experience also completely changed the way I saw the world. I saw the tangible way our money could go to make a real difference in someones life. It’s also why Caleb and I LOVE the church we go to so much. It’s all about feeding the hungry, clothing those without enough, loving the outcasts & prisoner and showing that with God nothing is impossible. @ladreamcenter @angelustemplela houses those in need and finds and fills the needs of 40,000 individuals each month! Caleb and I knew we wanted our company to directly impact kids like I met in Rwanda and what the Dream Center is doing, so that’s why (apart from our personal giving) a portion of our proceeds from photoshoots & photo products we make goes directly to helping those in need. I have crazy dreams that our company could change the lives of many people, our clients & also many others. I shared this because of @jennakutcher #jkinstachallenge and really want you to know more about why I do what I do. What’s something that compels you? Love to hear from you!