Happy FriYAY, hope your eyes are opened to all the beauty around you today & you can stop and smell the 🌸. I’m wondering what do you like to be called and what are some nick-names people call you. I’m Stefanie, or Stef. My grandpa called me Steffie. My mom calls me Sweetie. My dad calls me Pumpkin and Stefina & other nicknames. My sister calls me Sister (but we also created many other names for each other growing up). Other family calls me Stefanie Lynn sometimes or Stefy. In high school friends called me Stef Stack (maiden name) and everyone would call each other hunnny. Caleb and I create new pet names for each other weekly or daily. Lovie, True, Princess, Babe, are some of them. What do you like to be called? And what are some fun names people call you? Love hearing from you! And hope you have a wonderful weekend!