Today I’m inspired to take in the beauty around me and focus on what’s important. I can so often be lead astray in my thoughts that then cause me anxiety. But focusing on things I’m thankful for brings so much more joy and peace into my life. I look at this picture, and I’m filled with gratitude that this summer was filled with adventure with my favorite human, Caleb. I’m thankful to have such an amazing man to love me everyday. I’m thankful for the friends and family I was able to visit this summer and all the beauty we got to see driving across the country, into Canada and back. I’m thankful that God met us on this trip and spoke to our hearts in powerful ways (100 hours in the car and a lot of silent time and reading His word allowed the space for that). I can easily get wrapped up into what others think about me, and trying to make everyone happy. But those things are slippery paths and all I can do is do my best, and learn and grow from my shortcomings. I want to encourage you today as I remind myself to focus on what’s important in life. To allow yourself to grow while giving yourself grace in the process. And that we can give others grace and love along the way. I’m thankful for beautiful places like this, and pictures to help me remember. What’s something you’re focusing on today that brings you life?