We got evacuated from our place last night and I was scared. Do you like being scared? I used to love the scary part of halloween. Until I realized that a lot of that stuff is real. I don’t like anything to do with the darkness and evil anymore -it messes with me too much. Now I only celebrate the light, love and joy that any-day can be because of the love and redemption of Jesus. ___ I see dressing up can be super fun, and halloween can be an opportunity to be kind to others. Here are some of our outfits throughout the years. Caleb’s family makes halloween a celebration of family, food, and fellowship. I’ve loved being with them, eating chili and passing out candy to little kids. I love carving pumpkins with Caleb, and drinking hot apple cider. ___ Because of the recent tragedy in my hometown Pittsburgh, PA and being evacuated from my place last night because of a bomb near our place it’s all the more reason to cling close to the light. To realize some people do use Halloween (and celebration of darkness) as an opportunity for great evil, and for us instead be bringers of light and love. ___ Like one of my favorite verses says: “God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.” -1 John 1:5-7 The last couple days have been reminders for me to grow closer to God, and grow in love, purity and forgives. Even these first costumes show this divide between light and darkness (Starwars) and the pull for evil in our lives but the freedom that comes with light. ___ How can this week be an opportunity for us to love more and bring more light to the world? Love sharing my thoughts and process with you and hearing about yours as well! And which is your favorite outfit we wore?