Happy Tuesday! With a three day weekend behind us, there are so many things to look forward to as week take on another week. I was inspired by my wife this weekend as we go to go on adventures and spend our quality time together. She always has the ability to put things into perspective for me in our lives. She reminded me of how lucky we are to be together (as if I needed any reminding of that, I’m the luckiest man in the world) and that God has blessed us so much by bringing us together. We both remembered many sleepless nights praying, asking, pleading with God to bring us someone that would bring us happiness. We would have traded anything to be with our true love, I would always say that I would live on the street if I could just have Stefanie as my wife. God has since made good on those promises, he followed through, we are together. I was reminded by my wife this weekend just how amazing that is, and though the going can get tough at times, we have to remember that not only do we have a God that has our backs, but we have each other. I can come home at the end of the day to someone who is waiting for me with open arms, that is pumped to see me. There is nothing better than that. Today I am inspired by my wife to push on, to accomplish our goals, to finish things that we have started. We have each other, and at the end of the day that is what gives us the strength to continue on and succeed at what we have dreamed of. I think that we all need some reminding at times about what we truly care about, and then it gives us the strength to get through the times that may be difficult to get through. “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14