What is your reason for celebrating this season? This Christmas was as special as ever. This Christmas was full of joy and excitement. One of the things Stefanie and I have in common is that Christmas is our favorite holiday. We both love to look at lights, eat treats, sing and listen to Christmas songs, and spending time with our families. We really enjoy opening up our Bibles and reading the Christmas story together. Stefanie is always talking about the story of Jesus and how important it is to remember this time of year. I appreciate her heart for the Lord so much, and especially during Christmas. Not only am I so thankful for my Lord coming to live among us and die for our sins, but I am so thankful I get to spend my holidays with this woman. She brings joy to my sadness, a smile to my face, and happiness to my life each and every day. Nothing brings me more joy than to make her some hot chocolate, sit by the tree and soak in the greatness of Christmas together. This season, as I sit here and reflect on what 2016 brought and what I should be celebrating. I am celebrating life with this one and I am encouraged to live in the moment and enjoy what God has in store for us. Who is someone that makes your Christmas more jolly and full? We enjoy hearing your stories! Merry Christmas to you all!