Have you ever planned a vacation and not have it work out like you wanted it to? This past summer we went through many transitions. Switching jobs and starting our business brought about many blessings but also a lot of stress. We had planned for some time to go on a road trip to see family and see some more of the country. As the date we had planned to leave came closer and closer I became more and more anxious and overwhelmed with going on such a long trip. This summer I experienced my first ever anxiety attack. I am definitely more of a laid back person, and I tend not to be anxious about much. So to go through that was very strange and scary for me. A vacation is definitely supposed to be fun and relaxing, but to me it seemed it would be long and overwhelming. So we decided to cancel our trip and look at other options. Then Stefanie came up with the great idea of a "staycation", we would go explore places around where we lived and then return to home base at night. Our staycation hub turned out to be in Santa Monica by the pier. We went there for three days and had a blast! It was only about 30 minutes drive from our house which was far enough to seem like a vacation spot, but close enough not to be overwhelming. I have to say it turned out to be much better than expected and the perfect bit of relaxation that we needed. We went on walks through the Promenade, had dinner on the pier, laid out on the sand, and of course caught a lot of Pokemon on our phones. Because of this experience, we were able to get the relaxation we needed and Santa Monica will always have a special place in our hearts. What are some great staycation or vacation ideas or experiences that you have had?