Whenever we travel, we come across many different sights and scenes. I am always blown away by the Beauty of Gods creation. It's hard to imagine how something like this picture (Maroon Bells, Colorado) could be anything but the work of Gods hands. Like an artist, He paints a picture that captures our imaginations and captivates us with every detail he pays attention to. The flowers in a field, the leaves on the ground or on the trees, the whisper of the wind as it flows down the valley, and the crystal clear water shimmering in the sunlight. Gods handiwork on display for all to see, He is always trying to grab our attention, grasping for our hearts. Every time I am able to escape into His creation, God shows me how majestic, awesome, and creative He is. Oh how He loves us. What things in nature have blown you away? We always love to hear from you!