Are you waiting for something important in your life? ___ I’ve had lies grow up in the midsts of my waiting. I’ve believed there must be something so wrong with me. It brought up comparison, jealousy, self hate. ___ I’ve gotten so angry at God. I’ve thought, “I’ve asked Him SO many times, either He’s not here, not powerful or doesn’t care about me.” I’ve become bitter at God and people who’ve had those things I’ve wanted, and even tried to callous my heart. ___ But as I reflect on the Christmas story today, I realize how very off all those lies are. ___ Zechariah and Elizabeth had a dream. To have a baby. So much of their worth in other people’s eyes, their security for the future, their longing for legacy hung on this. ___ But they were very old. Past the point where they could have children. Their dream was long dead. ___ Maybe they got bitter and angry at times. But maybe they trusted that God will give us what is very best for us, even if it’s not what we want. ___ Trusting that from God’s unlimited perspective, and our very limited one that He knows best. ___ It was impossible for Zechariah and Elizabeth, but God had other plans. Because of God, they had a baby in her old age. And this wasn’t just any baby, it was the baby that would prepare the way for Jesus Christ the World’s One and Only Savior. Their baby John would be talked about and read in the most transforming books of all times. I say that’s worth the wait, don’t you? ___ And now I’m crying. Because I think of all the things I’ve so desperately longed/long for. All the things you are so desperately longing for. Let me tell you today, and please hear this friends, it’s not because God isn’t here. It’s not because He doesn’t care. It’s not because He doesn’t love you. There could be way more things at work than we could ever imagine. ___ I’m still waiting on a lot, but this puppy I’ve asked for since I was 5 probably a million times, I now have, and honestly it was worth the wait. ___ So let’s grow in love, not bitterness. Follow God’s best paths for our lives, seek Him, have Him transform our hearts to something so beautiful, even in the midst of waiting. Love hearing from you!