Do you ever get scared to follow something God might be telling you to do? I know we can, and same with this guy: “But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for tarshish.” - Jonah 1:3 You might know the story, God calls Jonah, Jonah runs away, Jonah gets eaten by a fish, Jonah prays, fish spits him out, then Jonah does what he should have done in the beginning, listen to God. I feel as if there are so many times in our lives that God is calling us to do something, to break off a bad relationship, to help the homeless person on the street, to let go of perfectionism and people pleasing and to trust Him and His path for us. So many things that seem so difficult, inconvenient to us in the moment. But yet, inside we know that God is calling us forward, out of our comfort zone, to love Him and others in a way that can be uncomfortable. What we don’t see in the moment is that the calling He is giving us can help to restore those wounds, break chains, and bring the freedom that we and others need. Caleb and I both woke up with a passion for what God is calling us to do and given the story of Jonah, it reminds us not to say no. I encourage you today, and we’re reminding ourselves, to look deep, pray, and ask God what he is calling you to, big or small, and take a step of faith. See what God can do with you. How can you take a step of faith in your life right now? We absolutely love hearing what you have to say! In honor of Jonah, hit us with a 🐠 if you agree!