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Husband and wife  relationship coaches, travel and lifestyle bloggers

You are loved beyond measure

Antalope Canyon

What's a road trip without many unique adventures? One of these adventures we took on our ongoing road trip was one in Lower Antelope Canyon in Page, Arizona. The Canyon sits on a Native American Reservation and is home to one of the many splendors of Gods majesty on earth. Sometimes in life you have to endure a little hardship before you can get to the good stuff. I feel like our adventure at lower antelope canyon was representative of that. While this experience is advertised as taking only one hour to complete, we ended up spending almost four hours getting ready, waiting, and eventually getting to explore this slot canyon. Luckily we were prepared for the heat. Armed with sunblock, umbrellas (which I had never previously used in the sun before and used to make fun of those that did, I have since repented of that), and plenty of water for the trek to the canyon. We ended up having to wait almost an hour and a half at the start of the canyon to even get in because of the amount of people that were there (obviously overbooked) and the size of the canyon, which had room for only one person at a time. It was hot, it was miserable in a lot of ways, but we endured and were rewarded for our devotion because the canyon was spectacular!! One of the coolest things I have seen to date, such beautiful walls of red rock smoothed over with years of wind and water coming through, it was a blast to explore the canyon together. While it may have been an experience that many would have turned around looking for a refund (and a lot did) we stuck to our guns and trusted that it was worth it. They stopped the tours right after ours because of the heat and we made it as one of the last groups in. To think that we might have missed that if we quit would be unimaginable and further encourages me that in life when times get hard we have to push through knowing that God is doing something in us and will provide through his goodness after our struggle. I love this picture of Stefanie as she explores the canyon in awe of the beauty around her. How do you stay focused on the finish when times get tough around you? 



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Hey, Friends! We LOVE our online family! It’s been amazing to connect to so many wonderful people online, and we can’t wait to connect more with you! We’re Stefanie and Caleb, husband and wife best friends and business partners. We love empowering others to have thriving relationships! We can't wait to connect to you!





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