Can I tell you what I am very most thankful for? And will you tell me? Jesus and His unsurpassed love for each of us is why I’m most thankful. That He would come to die. To take our failures on Himself. He who had no sin, died for us to free us from ours. I’m going to make this personal. My life could be summed up by all my faults, mistakes, stupidity and there’s a lot. Many more than I’d like to admit even to myself. But God forgives me for EVERYTHING, all the time. He makes me clean. He makes me new and cleans out that ugly stuff so I’m left with peace, joy, forgiveness and love (even for those who have so badly hurt me.) Even for myself who I’ve found to be the hardest to forgive. Jesus teaches me daily how to love Him, others and myself. He teaches me how He’s made me and how to live into that purpose instead out of some false identity. Now I’m challenging you, if you have any hidden faults or thoughts that you even want to hid from yourself. You don’t need to hide anymore. Jesus has already paid the price for all our baggage. Be thankful with me today friends, because we were dead in our sin, but Jesus has made us alive again. We were lost, and He wants to find us. We were broken, now we’re broken for His glory and purpose. We were hopeless and He speaks a new hope. Because of Jesus, 100 Billion failures disappear. He says they’re as far away from us as far as the East is from the West. All we need to do is receive this grace, and accept that we can not save ourselves. No effort on our part can clean us from our failures. Only One savior can do that. Starting a relationship with Jesus doesn’t mean that life gets perfect, or you get perfect. I am SO stupid sometimes, and in constant need of grace and forgiveness. It means that it’s no longer you going through this tough life alone. You have One with you that continually frees you and heals you. You are SO loved, friend. We can’t love you guys perfectly, neither can your spouse, family, friends, co-workers. But the thing I’m most thankful for, is there is a perfect LOVE that loves us unconditionally. What are you most thankful for? Cant wait to hear from you!