Get our brand new book Wholehearted Love!
Loving others can be so messy.
Somewhere along the way, maybe you’ve
Experienced pain and trauma that caused you to put up barriers in your heart
Felt disappointed that you didn’t get the relationship you once dreamed of.
Decided it’s too risky to open yourself up to getting hurt.
Maybe you’ve even felt this spreading into your relationship with God. If you're honest, maybe your connection with Him only feels surface level. You’ve shutdown with him too and aren’t experiencing His love like before.

To thank you for ordering WHOLEHEARTED LOVE
we want to give you exclusive FREE gifts!
Order your copy today and get free bonuses!
Free 7 Day Devotional Living Wholeheartedly, inspired by Wholehearted Love
Free access to our exclusive online community

What you'll learn through WHOLEHEARTED LOVE.
This book isn’t just a read; it’s an invitation to a journey of healing, growth, and profound connection. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by pain, let down by relationships, or distanced from God, then this book is for you. Get ready for a brighter, love-filled life.
Break Down Barriers: Unearth the roots of your heart’s defenses and learn how to gently dismantle them. With each page, you’ll find guidance to heal and open your heart, paving the way for richer, more fulfilling relationships.
Revitalize Your Relationships: Rediscover the excitement and purpose of deep connections. WHOLEHEARTED LOVE offers you the tools to build the kind of relationships you’ve always longed for—rooted in understanding, mutual respect, and God’s love.
Deepen Your Connection With God: Grow your relationship with God beyond the surface. This book will guide you into a deeper, more intimate communion with Him, let His love go beyond surface level to all the deep places of your soul. And watch you walk into purpose like never before.
Embrace Vulnerability and Trust: Learn to see vulnerability as a gateway to trust and deeper love, not as a risk for pain. This book will teach you to navigate vulnerability with wisdom, fostering trust in your relationships and with God.
Live Wholeheartedly: Embark on a life enriched by wholehearted love—a life where you are fully known, deeply loved, and vibrantly alive. This book is a guide to experiencing love in its most beautiful, powerful form, transforming every aspect of your life.
WHOLEHEARTED LOVE is more than a book; it’s a journey to the heart of God’s love for you, teaching you to love and be loved in ways beyond your imagination.
Are you ready to dive into loving others, yourself and God more wholeheartedly?
Then this book is for you!
If you’ve ever said or thought any of these things?
If you are single:
I feel alone and I long for a relationship.
I’m just out of a bad relationship and I’m still not over it.
My expectations are not being met.
My relationship is not going the way I want it to.
I keep thinking about my ex.
I keep going back to someone who’s wrong for me or noncommittal.
I must be crazy—I don’t understand why I keep doing what I’m doing.
I wish I could be authentically myself in a relationship.
I feel like I’ll never find the one for me.
If you are married:
Does he still love me?
Am I still desirable to him?
Is this just the way it will be forever now?
Does she appreciate me?
This book could change your life!
Do you fit any of these categories?
You have a great desire to be married, but your love life hasn’t yet worked out the way you hoped it would.
You are single and don’t know if you want to be married, but you want to love with your whole heart.
You are dating, and you want to know how to tell who is a safe person to give your heart to and who isn’t.
You are almost engaged, engaged, or newly married and want to keep your relationship healthy and thriving over time.
You don’t desire to get married, or get married again, but you want to have a loving, open heart toward your friends, family, and community.
You are happily married but desire even more connection with your spouse.
Your marriage seems very difficult, and you want to feel more seen and loved by your spouse.
You are divorced, your heart is shattered, and you want reassurance that there is still hope for a better relationship in the future.

Don't wait to order our book, these exclusive free gifts are only available for a short time!
Gift 1: A 7-Day Devotional eBook
Immediately upon preordering and filling out the pre-order form, you will receive a free 7-day devotional eBook. This devotional is designed to kickstart your journey, offering daily reflections and prayers to open your heart to God's transformative love. It’s a powerful tool to begin breaking down the barriers around your heart and to start experiencing a deeper, more intimate connection with God and others.
Gift 2: Exclusive Access to Our Private Online Community
Preordering and filling out preorder form grants you exclusive entry into our private online community. Here, you'll have direct access to us, Stefanie and Caleb, and a supportive network of fellow journeyers. This community is a safe space for sharing, learning, and growing together, providing continuous encouragement and insights as you navigate the path of wholehearted love.