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Relationships have the capacity to add so much joy and value to life or steal energy and happiness. Our relationship is SO far from...
Throw Away The Right Trash
Have you ever thrown something away too hastily? In an effort to keep things clean around our place I’ve done this my fair share. The...
You Are Beautifully and Wonderfully Made
He looked at me funny after I got on the scale. I knew the numbers showing were considerably more than 3 years ago when I had visited the...
Choosing Thankfulness
We’ve been practicing thankfulness in our daily interactions and lifestyle. It’s so powerful and can combat the worst of circumstances....
You Are More Than This...
You are more than the numbers on a scale. You are more than the amount of likes on a picture, more than if he/she texted you back or not,...
Sunrise and Hope Of A New Day
Everyday this week Caleb and I have gotten up to see the sunrise at a beautiful location. I couldn’t sleep in past 4:30 or 5 am knowing...
Human Trafficking and Project Beautiful
Before even placing my hands on my keyboard for this post my eyes welled with tears and now are falling down in a steady stream. My heart...
Appreciate Every Day
Each year for my job (this is Caleb again) we travel down to San Diego for a conference that I have to attend. This has become a...
Can We Freeze Time?
Do you ever wish you could make time stop? That’s how I feel almost every time I’m on an adventure with Caleb. I wish I could freeze time...
Our 5 Year Wedding Anniversary!
Today is our 5 year Wedding anniversary. Last night cozy in some blankets on our couch we watched our wedding video. So many emotions and...
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