Flowers Fall But God's Word Endures ForeverI’ve always loved flowers. My families house in Pittsburgh is directly next to an exit road that leads up a big hill to the elementary...
Teach Us To Number Our DaysTeach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. -Psalm 90:12 Do you remember those Pez candies? They were my favorite....
Christmas in PittsburghI've celebrated Christmas in Pittsburgh my entire life. Because both sets of grandparents live/lived right down the road from the house I...
Hot CocoaA special little kindness Caleb shows me on certain days is that he makes me hot chocolate. It's organic fair trade hot cocoa that is so...
Throw Up Kindness Like ConfettiHow you doing today, friends? I love that in California there's not only leaves falling on the ground but flowers too. Let's throw up...
Doing things you don't love to doThe sun was just rising over the peak as we reached the top of this mountain. It was a bit scary getting to this point climbing under big...