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It Was Like She Punched Me In The Gut!
When I read the words she wrote about me last week it felt like I got punched in the gut. 🤛🏼I had never heard anyone make fun of my “in...

Shattered Sight
Shattered sight. 💔Has this ever affected you? Watching Once Upon A Time last night I had tears in my eyes when one of the characters...

You Are Not Alone
You are not alone. But throughout my life I recall feeling so utterly alone. Even in times surrounded by friends, family, or in a crowd...

Our Attitude is Our Choice
How could a man who was being tortured during the holocaust find meaning in the horrible situation? Viktor Frankl during his time in the...

Shelter In The Storm
Who is your shelter amidst the storm? One thing I am reminded of today is Christ as my strength. He is my strong tower, my fortress, and...

Your Word Is A Light To My Path
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light 💡 on my path.-Psalm 119:105. If you know me, you know that reading the Bible is one of my...

You Are Loved Beyond Measure
If you could have a picnic with a bunch of flowers around everyday would you? I know I would! I’m so grateful today that Caleb has a week...

Choose Thankfulness
It’s not happy people who are thankful it’s thankful people who are happy. 😀Thankfulness is a choice in our lives. We have the option...

I Read These Mean Comments About Me...
I read their mean comments yesterday 😭and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me questions my worth. The mean comments didn’t come...

Are You Disqualified From God’s Purpose Over Your Life?
Have you ever wondered if something you’ve done, or something about who you are disqualifies you from God’s love or big purpose for your...
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